5 things customers like most about Wasabi for cloud backups

Tue Oct 29 2024By Carson Barcome

A large segment of our customers use Wasabi for backups. It’s smart sense to keep your most precious asset, your data, tucked away safely and securely with a provider that doesn’t charge you for testing your backups. Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage makes it easy for businesses to protect what matters most, without the price tag and unpredictable fees typical of the hyperscale clouds.  

I’ve spoken to dozens of real Wasabi users over the years, and when they talk about our hot cloud storage, specific topics come up repeatedly. Let’s dive into the top five things our customers love about Wasabi for cloud backups! 


1. Compliance 

Wasabi meets or exceeds all major industry compliance standards and government regulations, including HIPAA, FERPA, CJIS and GDPR. These are essential for doing business in certain industries, of course, and to our backup customers, critical in choosing Wasabi.  

We weren’t about to hand over our clients’ data to someone that wasn’t as serious about HIPAA compliance and security as we were.

Kyle Burnette, Director of IT Infrastructure at BrightStar Technology Group

And it’s not just certifications that help our customers stay compliant, but our geo-availability, too. Our 14 global storage regions make it possible to keep data close to home or far away, depending on your needs. Here’s what Lachlan Britt, the CEO of Australian managed service and security provider Infinitum had to say: 

We have people and clients spread all over the Asia-Pacific region, so from a government and industry requirements standpoint, getting that data closer to them as part of their disaster recovery strategy in multi-redundant locations is crucial.

Lachlan Britt, CEO, Infinitum


2. Predictable price 

Our flat-rate pricing makes it easy to understand and track your storage costs. With Wasabi, you can count on no egress fees, no tiers, no complications. This is especially true for an IT provider like Boxtech that is responsible for delivering a quality product and straightforward shopping experience to their customers.  

The fact that we don’t need to monitor and maintain that and then consider those additional charges in our pricing model to our customers is really helpful.

Shaun Byrnes, Operations Manager, Boxtech

The value of our price predictability doesn’t end with budgets, it empowers our customers to do more with their data. We take the shackles off of storage so you can leverage what’s yours and access your data as much as you want.  

The predictable cost of Wasabi’s cloud storage allows us to stay within budget while meeting our data storage needs, providing us with the flexibility to scale up as required without breaking the bank.

Jason Mills, Network Operations Manager, Hauraki District Council

We can access and retrieve our data as often as we’d like, and I don’t have to worry about any additional costs.

Kevin Agnew, the Head of IT at Gloucestershire College

3. Scalability 

One of the chief advantages of cloud storage is the ability to rapidly grow your footprint on demand, without the upfront cost associated with traditional storage. Wasabi gives you the power of scale, and at the best price possible according to David Hart, Senior Systems Analyst for the City of Dothan, Alabama. 

We needed the ability to rapidly increase our storage and not get billed for it right on top, which Wasabi could do for us at the best price. It allowed our investigators and police department to continually add digital evidence assets to the system without being stopped for uploading because we didn’t buy enough space. So, they can keep doing their job and we just pay the bill when it comes in.

Davis Hart, Senior Systems Analyst, City of Dothan IT Department 

Our hot cloud storage is uniquely positioned to accept any and all data types and fast enough to handle just about any use case you can throw our way. Brian Shield, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for FSM and the Boston Red Sox, seems to think so, and a team with nine World Series titles can’t be wrong.  

Wasabi will handle everything from video archives and analytics, Microsoft 365, GCP and Azure backups, to surveillance data from cameras and devices throughout the ballpark. Wasabi has turned out to be the proverbial home run that we are using for our backups and data retention needs.

Brian Shield, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for FSM and the Boston Red Sox 

 4. Immutability & security 

Data protection is vital to any good backup strategy. In the ongoing fight against ransomware, our customers continually turn to object lock immutability for the ultimate defense.  

Immutability means your data can’t be altered or deleted during a defined retention period, and the granular control of Wasabi S3 Object Lock allows you to specify how long data remains immutable. This not only enhances security, but also helps organizations comply with regulatory requirements for data retention. 

Security is obviously always on our mind. Data security is such a high-value need because schools are being targeted for things like ransomware now more than ever. It’s not really ‘if’ an attack happens anymore, it’s ‘when.’ It’s important to actually have secure copies of our backup data in the event that a ransomware attack happens. Having a storage partner like Wasabi, which we know is secure, is critical to being able to restore operations quickly.”

Kevin Warenda, Director of Information Technology Services, Hotchkiss School 


5. Partner integration and ease of onboarding 

Here at Wasabi, we know cloud storage is only half the story when it comes to backup. How you get your data to the cloud matters just as much as the cloud itself. That’s why we ensure our storage integrates with as many of the top backup providers as possible. Setup is little more than a few clicks (and a copy/paste job) away.  

I was really impressed with Veeam and Wasabi’s integration and partnership. It’s just very fluid. It’s very natural when you’re configuring your backups and you add a scale-out and repository.

Rob Martin, Senior Director of Network Infrastructure and Security at Achievement First

 As they say, the customer is always right. When it comes to Wasabi for cloud backup, our customers know what they like. Curious? Give Wasabi a try yourself and see what all the buzz is about.


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